Sunday, April 10, 2011

Welcome to the Cast and Crew of Charlotte's Web

Welcome to the Charlotte’s Web cast and crew!  Our first rehearsal is this Friday,April 15th  at Cedar Mill Bible Church.  All regular rehearsals for Charlotte’s Web will be held at this location. Crew is called from 4:30-6:30 p.m.
Cast is called from 4:30-8:30.  There is a mandatory 1st Parent Meeting from 6:30-8:30.  Crew parents are invited to attend , if you are new you will find it very helpful!  We are also having rehearsal on Saturday, April 16th from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.. A rehearsal schedule will be handed out on Friday night and students will find out at that time if they are called for Saturday's rehearsal.

We are also taking program photos on Friday so wear a black/solid colored shirt with no logo and come looking your best.

Wear clothes and shoes you can dance in comfortably. Bring a water bottle and a snack/dinner as well as a notebook or folder for handouts and a pencil for taking notes.

We will have rehearsal CD’s at the first rehearsal. Be prepared to bring a $5.00  deposit to check out a CD for the duration of the show. When you return it at the end of the show  you will get your deposit back.  Scripts will be available on Friday for those that are asked to have them.  We will ask for a $20.00 deposit for scripts. Please come prepared to pay the deposit in case the director needs you to have one.

Crew for Charlotte’s Web is listed by name and role. We are still taking applications through classes on Tuesday,April 11th. Any student, sibling or friend who is age 10 or older may apply.

 Please read through the cast list completely as some cast members have multiple parts.

As always, remember to check the Blog often for updates.

Thank you!

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