Sunday, April 10, 2011

Charlotte's Web Cast and Crew List

 ~Charlotte's Web Cast List~
Fern Arable: Ruth Barksdale
John Arable: Evan Hathaway
Martha Arable: Rachel Mumaw
Avery Arable: Joshua Barksdale
Homer Zuckerman: John Laurie
Edith Zuckerman: Hannah Pung
Lurvy: Nathan Lam
Wilbur: Jack Edwards
Templeton: Elle Kurle
Charlotte: Maddie Pizzuti
Goose: Hannah Eremeyeff
Gander: Jordan Eremeyeff
Sheep: Sierra Kruse
Lamb: Maddison Duncan
Owl: Payton Jones
Bat: Lily Frerichs
Reporter: Charlotte Lindley
Uncle (a pig): Jordan Eremeyeff
Photographer: Kate Pitcher
Spectator1: Kate Pitcher
Spectator 2: Charlotte Lindley
Judge 1:Mei Li Langstaff
Judge 2: Charlotte Lindley
Announcer: Mei Li Langstaff
Fairgoer1: Natalie Pupkiewicz
Fairgoer 2: Abby Edwards
Fairgoer 3: Madison Fissell
Fairgoer 4: Kelsie Shirley
Spider 1 "Joy": Madison Fissell
Spider 2 "Aranea": Emma Lindley
Spider 3 "Nelly": Kassie Cordier
Kassie Cordier
Emma Lindley
Mei Li Langstaff
Payton Jones
Lily Frerichs
Kelsie Shirley
Madison Fissell
Abby Edwards
Natalie Pupkiewicz
~Charlotte's Web Crew List~
Lightboard: Mia Shinseki
Spotlight: Grant Vesely
Backstage Crew: 
Aaron Hathaway
Daniel Eremeyeff
Heather Kurle
Lilly Cordier 
Brian McCaslin 
Joel Langstaff

* Please note that the crew is required to attend the first rehearsal on Friday, April 15th from 4:30-6:30 and the cast is required to attend from 4:30-8:30 at Cedar Mill Bible Church. Please see the Charlotte's Web Blog post "Welcome to the Cast and Crew of Charlotte's Web" for important information.