Monday, May 2, 2011

Posters Available for Pick Up!

Dear Charlotte's Web Families,

The posters and show cards are now available and ready to be hung all over town!  It is important that we place all posters as soon as possible.
Before class Tuesday, please take a moment to look over the paper in your parent information packet that gives a detailed list of poster placement locations. 
If you could come see me  (Sienna)  at the information desk before or after class and let me know what area(s) you would like to cover, I will give you posters to get started.  I will have the poster placement list available with the posters as well.
We have 350 posters but if we work together, we can get them up in no time!  If you live or are work in an area that is not on the list, please feel free to place posters there and just let me know where they were put up.
We will keep a list of poster placement on the Blog so that everyone can see where the posters have been placed.

Thank you for your help in getting the word out!

Sienna Langstaff

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